NFC Tap-to-print configuration?  Where is the documentation?

So I read the little blip about NFC tap to print on the new windows rev 8.1, and I have looked all over the internet, technet, etc. but I cannot find any more than that little blip.

So, it exists, but how does it work?  How does the tag have to be encoded for the OS to recognize the tag as a tap to print tag?

Where are the details?!

August 2nd, 2013 12:30pm

little blip about NFC tap to print on the new windows rev 8.1

Where are the details?!

I think I may have some better terms for you to use with your searches:

(BING search for
    "near field communication" "tap to pair" print windows 8.1

Thanks for the education.   ; )


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August 2nd, 2013 5:44pm

Our documentation on this feature is still forthcoming, but I'm glad to hear you're interested. If you'd like to try out the feature, the easiest thing to do is to start with out built-in PowerShell scripts for writing an NFC tag. You'll need an NFC enabled PC, and an NFC tag with a capacity of at least 700B, preferably using an NFC Forum Approved NFC tag variant (for maximum interoperability). Then, just run one of the PowerShell commands below. These will program the tag to support either a printer on a print server, or connecting directly using WSD. You'll be prompted to tap the tag against your machine's NFC reader, which will program the tag.

Write-PrinterNfcTag -SharePath \\server\printer

Write-PrinterNfcTag -WsdAddress printerhostname

That's all there is to it. After that, you can just tap the tag from any NFC enabled Windows 8.1 PC, and we'll prompt you for consent. If you consent, we'll kick the installation off. Note, you won't see any visible errors in the UI, so if the device doesn't install, check your network configuration and try again.



August 8th, 2013 4:46pm

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